mistyAkter, 07.03.2023 08:11, 8

Keyword research includes metrics that don't tell you what's best for your business in the digital marketing framework.

While you may want to target terms that will drive the most traffic and help improve important metrics like keyword search volume and seasonality, it may not always be possible for every business to target the highest volume keywords. In terms of SEO, different parameters emerge here. Optimization of the page, its relevance to the search query, link building studies, domain authority and many other factors are among the factors that limit targeting here.

Instead of focusing too much on search volume only; Seasonality, which is one of the most important factors that can affect your content, should not be ignored.

  1. Ignoring Long-Tail Keywords
    These keywords, which we can translate into Turkish as short-tail keywords (also known as fat head keywords), are generally phrases consisting of 1-2 words. When queries such as "phone", "mobile phone" are searched, the intentions of the users are not Malaysia Phone Number List completely clear. We can say that it is really difficult to answer the questions of whether he wants to buy a phone or just look at the model images. Therefore, we can say that although these words have a very high search volume and are competitive, the conversions to be obtained are generally low.

Medium-tail keywords (also referred to as chucky middle keywords or "broad match") are reasonably competitive search terms that rank right in the middle in terms of traffic, cost, and search volume. It is usually 3 to 4 words long and can give a good return on your investment. A search for the terms “best cell phones under $2000” can actually give you more precise results than the generic search term “mobile”, so conversions from those words are likely to be higher than for short-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are usually more than 3 words long, have a lower volume, and usually represent the last stage of the funnel. This means that a user is more ready to buy or closer to a conversion. Focusing only on high-volume keywords can cause long-tail keywords to be missed. So these types of words can be a really good tool for your SEO work if your industry is very competitive and you have a conversion or traffic concern.

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