rbiulislamrslimon2569, 19.11.2022 02:10, 10

Customer satisfaction Satisfied customers are happy customers: but what exactly does the term customer satisfaction mean and encompass? Many things in a company indeed depend on this value. This is why it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what customer satisfaction means, how to measure it and finally what to do to transform dissatisfied customers into satisfied customers. Explanations. Summary Definition of customer satisfaction How important is customer satisfaction? How to measure customer satisfaction? What can customer satisfaction data and measurements be used for? Improve customer satisfaction Definition of customer satisfaction Satisfaction always occurs when a positive expectation comes true .

If expectations are even exceeded, satisfaction increases even more. But if wishes and hopes do not come true, one is inevitably dissatisfied. This also applies in the context of selling and trading. Customer satisfaction or user satisfaction, for example, determines whether Buy Email Database an occasional buyer becomes a regular customer over the long term. For this, the customer must have the most positive experiences throughout the Customer Journey , also called the customer journey. Customer satisfaction is a matter of the connection between companies and people, and is therefore an integral part of consumer psychology.

Thus, the goal of a company is to improve the customer experience and to send many positive signals whether before, during or after the purchase . For this, several factors are important. On the one hand, good products and services at reasonable prices play a central role, on the other hand, advice, customer service or the design of the online shop and store have a decisive influence on customer satisfaction. finally. In order to measure customer satisfaction, regular surveys are therefore necessary. It is only from the responses and opinions of customers that we can estimate the level of satisfaction and what points need to be improved or re-studied.

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