mostakimvip11, 15.11.2022 04:21, 12

Cultural policy needs deeper study and should not be based on charismatic exceptions. Art as a space with unclear boundaries and even more unclear criteria has always generated tensions and conflicts. Now that state funds have been added tensions have taken on clearer justifications. The State must move with the following general thoughts and directions First with the belief that people individuals make art. Neither the state nor the institutions. Secondly that if he can he should ease their financial obstacles by strengthening their efforts under the inviolable condition that they themselves participate.

The State that precedes the private initiative and that e-commerce photo editing exceeds the needs of the private artist or organizer essentially turns him into a public body and takes away from him the important motivation that constitutes the private part and the personal appeal and need. Thirdly that in order for a work to be shown it must first have been done. That is why the State must strengthen initiatives that support the production of work and that are an incentive for the birth of new photographs. Fourthly that the work needs an audience and it is sad that the audience of artistic photography consists of the circle of creators and their friends.

The State must strengthen the efforts that will combine exhibitions publications and education. Indirect or direct. This is how the public will slowly be created. Fifth photo publications with noncommercial photos are doomed. The State must strengthen them because this is mainly how photography spreads. Exhibitions are forgotten. Versions remain. Finally and above all the State either through the Ministry of Culture or through the Ministry of Education or with the help of the Local Government must understand that photography as easy accessible and modern medium is an ideal tool for familiarizing students and adults with artistic creation. And to use it All the arts will benefit from this.

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