sharnims1, 21.09.2022 08:30, 7

In an era in which digital and mobile become increasingly relevant, largely due to services and apps such as netflix, facebook, instagram, spotify or amazon, it is understandable to think that they monopolize users' time. In an era in which digital and mobile become increasingly relevant, largely due to services and apps such as netflix, facebook, instagram, spotify or amazon , it is understandable to think that they monopolize users' time. It must be recognized that the internet boom and everything related to cyberspace is radically transforming the way we communicate, not only between user-user, but between brands-audiences.

It is not for nothing that we see that revenue from digital advertising for this 2019 is estimated to exceed 329 billion dollars worldwide , according to projections published in statista. Brands have turned to these scenarios due to the time users invest in them, particularly Professional Person Email List generations such as z and millennials , although there is no generational segment that is not impacted. Netflix announces a mobile game and a television series from the same franchise netflix dominates, but fortnite is a threat although, first it was social networks that monopolized people's time -a 2017 comscore study indicated that netizens spent more than 50 percent of their time on the internet in these apps-, today it is attributed to netflix and youtube the biggest responsibility to capture your attention.

It is estimated that more than 10 percent of the world's population (about 765 million people) use an over the top (ott) subscription video service at least once a month, according to data from emarketer. So, youtube, netflix, amazon prime video, hbo go or any other platform of this style have become a honeycomb for audiences. Hence, this segment is attracting more and more actors: disney +, apple tv + , and the unnamed platforms of warner media and nbcuniversal are just a few prominent examples. This has meant that many specialists anticipate a "Streaming war" and a fierce dispute for the attention of the lizards. However, services of this type will not necessarily be the ones that most conquer people.

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