chandonack, 21.09.2022 02:09, 6

If you encounter any of the following cases, use the rel attribute to tell Google what type of link it is: Sponsored links , that is, that you have been paid to place. Use thsponsored” attribute. Links to user- generated content , such as comments or forum posts. Usc” attribute. Links you don't want Google to associate with your site or track .

Use the relnofollow” attribute. 3) Avoid interstitials and invasive dialogs Obtrusive interstitials and dialogs make users' browsing experience Decision Maker Email List worse and make it difficult for search engines to understand your content, so it's best to avoid them. Instead, Google recommends using banners, using the common libraries of your CMS, and avoiding hiding all content or redirecting the user to a different page. 4) Tag your site as child-directed content if necessary If your website or mobile app contains content specifically directed at children, you must direct Google to mark the content as directed to children under the U.S. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. You can mark your entire site or service or just a part.

To mark your content as child-directed, you must first add your site to Search Console and verify that you own it. Note that you can tag an entire domain, a subdomain, or a subdirectory. When you add the child-directed content tag to a domain or directory, it will apply to all the pages it contains. 5) Check browser compatibility Different browsers (or even different versions of the same browser) may interpret and display your site's code in different ways. To avoid compatibility issues, take note of these Google recommendations : Test your site in different browsers, ideally from the earliest stages of development. Use clear and valid HTML code.

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