Akashbd, 21.09.2022 01:42, 7

We can notice the willpower when a person is willing to sacrifice in order to achieve a goal, then we see that the will is closely related to discipline, in the end this is essential to achieve success . Willpower is linked with mental programming, we can see it in simple examples such as sleep and food, we usually wake up at certain times, if we have maintained fixed habits and the same happens with hunger at the time of meals, in this way we see that an idea is capable of setting the tone of our lives, here we can ask you why some people achieve great triumphs and others do not, given that they started from very similar conditions? Everything is determined by the belief system, but many of those patterns were created based on discipline and will.

Willpower represents power for several reasons, when a person learns to respect his word and fulfills the commitments that he acquires, then his subconscious mind gets used to that will, once the person states "I will fulfill this objective" mental power favors the conditions for that word to prevail, for example a person who has been accustomed to Industry Email List responsibility for years, will notice that the whole universe adjusts so that his idea of ​​"I am a responsible person" continues to manifest itself, on the contrary, irresponsible people will notice that everything in the universe is against him so that the state.

I am "is perpetuated, we owe all this to willpower, those who are not willing to make great sacrifices then leave their mental programming at the mercy of chance, which generally does not bring good results. When a person is willing to make enormous sacrifices in order to meet the objectives, then the physical body suffers that work, it is exhausted and access to the subconscious mind is more direct, thus a powerful mental association is created, where certain actions produce certain results, for example a person may find that if he sleeps two hours less than usual to meet a goal, excellent results are achieved.


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