rahman272327232723, 20.09.2022 08:44, 18

The relationship between Netflix and Mexico has been growing over the years, it is clear that the country is an important market for the platform, and what better example than a new original series that the platform is preparing to be produced by Salma Hayek. The relationship between Netflix and Mexico has been growing over the years, it is clear that the country is an important market for the platform, and what better example than a new original series that it is preparing will be produced by Salma Hayek. This is Monarca, a series -announced this Monday- and that will tell the story of Ana María, an heir to a tequila emporium but, in order to direct it, she must survive a world of secrets and corruption , as described in the synopsis of the production.

According to Netflix, the production is already approved SMS Marketing Service and will begin filming this year, although its premiere on the streaming platform is planned for 2019 , and the interesting thing is that it will not only be for the Mexican market, but globally. Salma Hayek is an actress, producer and director (Ugly Betty, Septembers of Shiraz and Frida) who is very involved with current events -the elections in the United States and Mexico for example-, so relating to this influencer is important to the Los Gatos, California company. In this way, Monarca (which will star Mexican actors: Irene Azuela and Juan Manuel Bernal) will join other Mexican productions for Netflix such as Club de Cuervos, Ingobernable, La Casa de las Flores, or La Balada de Hugo Sánchez, among others.

It should be noted that this project was rescued, since it was originally under development at ABC in 2015, according to IMDB, but for unknown reasons it did not materialize, so it will now be materialized under the production of the streaming platform, in association with Ventanarosa, producer of Salma Hayek, Lemon Studios and Stearns Castle. Netflix currently has more than 125 million users worldwide and records revenues of more than 11 million 690 million dollars and, although it is the brand with the greatest presence in its field, it does not stop developing projects given the growth of rivals such as Hulu.


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