Sakibseo19, 20.09.2022 07:41, 10

Use fewer hashtags 5 or 6 is an optimal number, and much better if they are natural in your description, not in a separate comment. Post on a scheduled basis . Analyze the best times to post on your profile and establish a content calendar, without forgetting that you must follow a drip strategy in the publications. In short, everything is summed up in a single concept: quality content. Instagram TV, all the potential of streaming video? In case you don't know what we're talking about, IGTV is a video content channel for each Instagram profile.

Surely if you enter, it will remind you a lot of the YouTube format : videos of your subscriptions, recommended for you and recommended Business Email List according to the video you are watching. It differs from the big video platform in that if your account is not verified, it only allows a maximum of 10 minutes of video . And the video is in vertical format, just like the stories. For the rest, the recommendation system (verified opinion from our daily activity in the social networks of clients) works optimally.

Remember YouTube, a page that is gradually incorporating features of Netflix or Prime Video, is not the same as IGTV, a video content broadcaster that is usually used for more ephemeral, lighter and shorter-duration content (YouTube already includes up to series of one hour per chapter). Keep this in mind when creating your social media strategy. Greater possibility of edition and creativity We have all been part of the boost that Instagram has given to ephemeral content. The direct ones can be of two profiles at the same time, they allow interaction with the followers and even a rain of hearts if we are liking the content. And it works great for many: you just have to look at the singer Rosalía or the Nike brand.

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