abus73021, 20.09.2022 02:39, 12

2020 has been an unpredictable year for all businesses, with B2B and B2C commerce changing dramatically and consumers acquiring new purchasing habits. However, in all this, Digital Marketing has evolved globally, developing alternative trends, in the image of the new reality! So today, more and more companies are changing the way they connect with their customers in order to develop their online presence. Maybe it's time to take a closer look at the goals of your own business as well, incorporating this year's digital marketing trends into your strategy .

Digital Marketing 2021 and... questions! It is clear that due to the lockdown, consumers have spent more time than ever on social media and, in general, the internet. Thus, they encouraged - again more than ever - commercial firms to look for a multitude of fresh practices for the online promotion of their products and services. But does what worked well in the past Special Database mean that it will do the same in the future? Do you think content will continue to dominate? Which digital platforms should you invest in? How will you attract potential customers and in what ways will you retain existing customers? Need answers to these questions? The multitasking team at Develop Greece has researched and identified the top trends in digital marketing for this year, which are on the rise! So if you don't know where to start, adopt the tactics below and watch your business thrive by innovating! What are the Digital Marketing Trends for 2021 .

The following trends are included in the marketing plan of most successful businesses for this year, which is why we assure you that they can significantly strengthen your brand's position in the digital world. Let's start! Video Marketing: The absolute king of digital marketing If you include videos on your website, then you are 50 times more likely to get organic traffic compared to plain text . This is because users prefer it and Google ranks websites that include videos higher. Consider, after all, that Gen Z now watches a few minutes of videos on TikTok every day , while recently Instagram has also gotten in on the action with Instagram Reels .

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