chummaseo22, 19.09.2022 04:13, 5

According to more recent data from Edelman, which I have yet to confirm, trust leads to a 14% increase in sales . Build customer loyalty: 75% of customers who trust a brand would only buy products from this company. Protects the brand from criticism: 78% of customers who trust a brand would recommend and defend it against criticism. And as if its importance were not enough, if we see Job Function Email List its role in general terms, our clients are asking for a greater role for companies in society . It is true that these data are from 2020, but they are still impressive: 85% want companies to help them solve their problems and 80% think they should intervene in social problems.

This data points directly to brand purpose, but what other factors are involved? If we go to the Edelman barometer in Spain for 2022 , the conclusion is clear: "Companies are the most capable of solving society's problems." In Spain, 63% consider that companies are the most qualified to obtain results and 56% believe that they are the most suitable to lead (followed very closely by NGOs). The media and the government resoundingly suspend. Building trust is a way to improve business results and our clients are asking us to step up and lead.

Therefore, the opportunity is more than evident for companies. Now come the hard questions: how much do your customers trust your brand ? What percentage of your customers trust your brand vs. Those who are not so clear? What can you do to increase the first group? Components of trust in a brand Edelman's approach seems to me to be one more twist to the approaches we have been making for years. It could be done differently, sure. But if this classification comes from so many years of trust surveys, it gives me a lot of confidence.

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