Rumi14, 19.09.2022 04:07, 5

Does the brand keep its promises? Can it be trusted? Integrity : moral and ethical trust. is the brand honest? Purpose (Brand Purpose): social and environmental trust. Is the brand trying to have a positive impact on society? Self (I, oneself): personal confidence. Is it relevant to the audience? Is it a brand that resonates emotionally? Does it connect with its audience? Edelman Trust Management The promise of this methodology is that it allows you to generate trustworthy profiles of your audience in which we can find out what motivates and inspires them.

With this information we would have the keys to define the most appropriate strategy because we would know the levers to pull to communicate with them more effectively and therefore we could maximize return. How can I build trust in B2B Email List my brand? We can see these ingredients of trust as a utopia or as the pillars to work on in our relationship with the market. Sometimes when we see these common sense methodologies, we can think: "I think it's very good, but this is for big brands", or "it seems so ethereal to me that I don't even know where to start", etc. and part of it is normal. But in reality the path is easier than it seems. What are we talking about here? From the usual.

To get to know my clients better. The difference with what we do until now is that our knowledge is practically limited to the transactional. Here we are talking about a deeper knowledge and studying other facets that we have ignored until now. The first step on this path is the study and definition of our audience profiles, to which we must add these other dimensions. It is true that it requires a more in-depth study, it requires us to carry out in-depth interviews,… it requires work. If we want a great reward, we have to dedicate time and resources to it. Once we have defined the profiles, value propositions and customer journeys , we already have the basis of the defined strategy.

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