farhadhasan9881, 19.09.2022 03:44, 6

I like to think of it as an exercise how to tell a story with a part of its elements and so on and thanks to that fleeting screenshot understand the world around us a little more. Quin forever 14 Natalia Mendez Christian Turdera cristianturdera When the talent for storytelling the virtuosity of the line the intelligence focused on humor and the critical spirit are behind something that also becomes tremendously popular the equation is explosive undisputed and eternal. If you are drawing and trying to think at the same time you owe Quino something.

Quin forever 16 Christian Turdera April Castillo Cabrera abrilcastilloc who were you Mafalda Miguelito Guille Susanita Libertad or Felipe We all read Quino. We grew up we formed we laughed with his strips. In Mexico we looked forward to Sundays to win the Excelsior newspaper comic sheet and read Mafalda. My cousin always chose these books as her books of the month we had photo background removing to read one book a month in elementary school until the teacher asked her to read something else. I never read the same thing every time I read Mafalda my cousin thought. And sometimes those are the best reads. Quino so inexhaustible. Quin forever 18 Cinchona You may also like See you always Quino We remember the cartoon master. 10 comic artists who inspire us.

7 Argentine cartoonists you should know. Learn different ways to represent perspective from classic to curvilinear in your urban sketches with Lapin Perspective is how you see the world and also how you represent it. a popular formula in art but its not the only option. add personality to your work create room for more detail and help capture your unique point of view. In this tutorial urban sketcher Lapin lapinbarcelona explains different methods to represent perspective and how each of them shapes your illustration.

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