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19 сентября 2022 6

Using different types of perspectives can

I like to think of it as an exercise how to tell a story with a part of its elements and so on and thanks to that fleeting screenshot understand the world around us a little more. Quin forever 14 Natalia Mendez Christian Turdera cristianturdera When the talent for storytelling the virtuosity of the line the intelligence focused on humor and the critical spirit are behind something that also…

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19 сентября 2022 5

Components of trust in a brand

Does the brand keep its promises? Can it be trusted? Integrity : moral and ethical trust. is the brand honest? Purpose (Brand Purpose): social and environmental trust. Is the brand trying to have a positive impact on society?

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19 сентября 2022 5

Scenarios Just We Would Do

According to more recent data from Edelman, which I have yet to confirm, trust leads to a 14% increase in sales . Build customer loyalty: 75% of customers who trust a brand would only buy products from this company.

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