Sharminbd99, 10.09.2022 06:13, 7

Let’s discuss this topic and help you to understand the basics What are domain names even Domain names are unique identifiers of addresses that we use to access websites. This text represents a numeric IP address of that website so that you can use client software to access websites easily. In other words, instead of using numbers to identify and access a site, we use the domain name text.

In simplest terms a domain name is a text that you type into your browser window to visit a specific site example, if you want to go to Google, you will type “google However, don’t confuse domain names and URLs. You can find both in the same window of your Denmark Phone Number browser, but a URL includes a domain name, the transfer protocol used, and website path. address of your website If you have the name” , “HTTPS” represents the protocol used, “” is the domain name, and “wiki” and “Domain name”. ” are paths to specific pages. How domain names word.

When you type in the URL or the domain name into your search bar you can find the desired site in seconds This is a process that we’ve all grown used to and take for granted, at this point. However, many things function behind the scenes to make this possible. As previously mentioned, every website has its IP address stored on the server, similar to each computer’s IP address on the internet. However, many websites exist on the web, and these IP addresses can be long and difficult to remember. This is where the DNS (Domain Name System) comes into play. This system is an.

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