Munna125, 10.09.2022 03:34, 6

If you say you care about your customers, it’s imperative to listen to their suggestions. And if some of them sound like they make sense, then implement them within your business. For example, if several people have complained about long wait times to get customer support issues resolved, it’s time to look into resolving that. Or if they regularly request a service/product modification and it’s a viable one, deliver on that. Every time you give them what they want, you (a) meet a need in the market, and (b) let them know that you value their opinions.

Hold Yourself Accountable. If you mess up, own it. There’s no shame in it as long as you address it, apologize, and fix it. In fact, this makes you look more human and trustworthy. Then get your team together to see how the mistake occurred and implement measures to prevent it from happening again. 5 Examples of Authentic Brands And now, without further ado, here are Egypt Phone Number some examples of companies who’ve been doing brand authenticity right since the times of landlines and public pay phones: 1. Disney Are you even surprised? Everyone and their mother loves Disney.

Even those who roll their eyes at the park characters probably still watch shows on Disney+ or have seen one of their shows on Broadway. Why? Because everything they do is fully aligned with their image of being a magical, happy place. They make people feel excited, nostalgic, and appreciated. Their customer support cast members offer extraordinary service. No matter where or how you interact with the company, you end up with a good experience. via GIPHY 2. Apple Apple is all about simplicity and practicality.

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