mdarif6480, 08.09.2022 08:38, 9

Encourage posting of comments. Highlight chopping techniques. Use photos and video to walk readers through the methods that save time as well as keep fingers safe, while making the prettiest slices. Broach the subject of foraging: Is it possible in a given locale? What’s available? How does one get started with foraging? And of course, include recipes. This is a post that could make the difference between a reader venturing into a new thing or missing out. Tell a story of how sharing a meal created a new connection with someone. Or share ideas on how to make dishes that help somebody feel the love.

Comments will pour in! What are some tips on Czech Republic Phone Number transporting foods that will arrive intact– and at the right temperature? Everyone can do better at this, and you have the know-how. Get smoke-oriented. Post ideas and recipes about grilling beyond meats, such as desserts from the grill, salads too. How to prepare treats for Ginger and Fluffy. Grab the attention of pet lovers by talking about it. Readers will be tickled to send in photos of their four-legged (or winged?) friends gobbling their goodies. Or cover what foods you can share with your fur babies, and which ones present a danger to them.

Childhood and nostalgia foods—whatever happened to Pez? Take a walk down memory lane with your readers. Make it interactive—they will want to share about the “TV dinners” they once consumed, or the recipe for the congealed salad they still make. Childhood and nostalgia foods, part 2 Can you still get Pommac? Or freeze-dried ice cream? Readers will enjoy sharing where to find those long-lost items. Hold a contest. Award a prize for the best recipe that uses the fewest ingredients, or the smallest cost per serving. Introduce a new ingredient. Like lotus root, with background and recipes. Curious readers want to know. Are whole grains all they’re cracked up to be? Interview an expert about it.

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Скрининг колоректального рака улучшает показатели выживаемости

Ана­лиз ка­ла на скры­тую кровь два­жды в год яв­ля­ет­ся эф­фек­тив­ным ме­то­дом скри­нин­га ко­ло­рек­таль­но­го ра­ка (КРР) у муж­чин, но не у жен­щин. Боль­ше все­го от скри­нин­га вы­иг­ры­ва­ют муж­чи­ны с опу­хо­ля­ми ле­вой по­ло­ви­ны ки­шеч­ни­ка, пи­шут фин­ские ис­сле­до­ва­те­ли.

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