sharminbb, 07.09.2022 10:00, 15

You should also set up some regularly scheduled check-ins (whether individually or with the entire project team) so you can keep up with project progress without constantly poking around desks or checking emails. During these meetings, instead of constantly setting guidelines or sharing criticism, ask questions about how things are progressing. Finally, this is another time when a collaborative work management platform can be beneficial. It gives you more transparency and increases accountability for your entire team without having to micromanage in any way. See for yourself by starting with a free trial of Wrike .

RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OUR EMPLOYEES 5 Denmark Phone Number strategies for happy employees Age discrimination affects us all Leadership: Embed skill, autonomy and purpose in your team 5. Lead by example When it comes to answering the age-old question of how to improve business leadership, our advice is simple: lead by example. You and your team have likely established some ground rules to ensure projects run smoothly—from key communications to meeting deadlines. But you can't expect everyone else to follow these guidelines if you don't dojust two years, remote work has become the norm.

Hard to believe, isn't it? Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only 17% of workers were working remotely, but when 16 million knowledge workers suddenly moved their jobs home in March 2020 , that number jumped to 44%. With immunization coverage increasing in the United States, many offices across the country are now resuming normal operations. While many employees can hardly wait to return to their usual everyday office life, others are hoping for the opportunity to remain in the home office permanently even after the pandemic. But how do you raise the issue with your employer?

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