hanif666, 07.09.2022 09:16, 6

It’s important to go step-by-step through the process rather than skip ahead to the content creation step. Only when you have all the aspects of your marketing plan working in tandem can you reap the benefits of a strong email marketing plan. Step 1: Setting goals and success metrics The first step to creating your email marketing plan is to set goals for what you want to accomplish with your email marketing. Are you looking to increase clicks through to your website? Boost sales? Start by setting one SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Sensitive) goal for your upcoming email marketing campaigns.

For example, you might decide that by the end of the quarter, you want to have a 5% higher click-through rate on your emails. When your goal is specific and measurable, you will have a cut-off point for determining whether your goal was met or not. In the Dominican Republic Phone Number above example, if your click-through rate is 5% higher by the end of the quarter, you’ve reached your goal. While you set your goals, you should also determine which metrics you’re using to measure success.

These KPIs should be directly tied to your goal. So, in the above example, your click-through rate would be your KPI. As you get a handle on your email marketing strategy, you may decide that you can tackle multiple goals — and multiple success metrics — each quarter. However, starting with one goal and one KPI can help you focus your efforts and achieve real success. Step 2: Doing target audience research The second step to developing your email marketing strategy is to research your target audience.

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