Bkhairul, 05.09.2022 00:28, 8

The World Press Photo has announced the nominees for the 2021 edition. Considered the most important press photography contest in the world, it has become a window to the world to become aware of what is happening on the planet and to know the identity of the photographers who portray the less friendly face of today. Among them, the Spanish Luis Tato, who opts for the highest award for photography in 2021, the World Press Photo of the Year , with his photograph of the largest locust plague in the Kenyan desert in the last 70 years, published in The Washington Post .

Luis Tato, the Spanish photojournalist photo retouching service nominated for World Press Photo of the Year 2021 2 “Fighting Locust Invasion in East Africa" ​​by Luis Tato. Image WPP. In the photo titled Fighting Locust Invasion in East Africa , Henry Lenayasa shares the limelight with a massive swarm of locusts. That April 24, 2020, Lenayasa, head of the Archers Post settlement, in Samburu County (Kenya), was trying to drive away the army of insects that has settled in East Africa. It all started at the beginning of that year and since then, the farmers have faced the consequences. This reality represents a serious threat to the food supply and livelihoods of millions of people. With his camera, Tato has captured one of the moments of what is already the worst desert locust infestation in 70 years.
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Furthermore, with the COVID-19 restrictions, efforts to combat this crisis have also been affected, with pesticide supply chains being disrupted. Atmospheric conditions favor the rapid movements of these insects that have become part of the landscape. Luis Tato, the Spanish photojournalist nominated for World Press Photo of the Year 2021 5 Photography from the Locust Invasion in East Africa collection by Luis Tato. Image via WPP. Luis Tato, the Spanish photojournalist nominated for World Press Photo of the Year 2021 6 Photography from the Locust Invasion in East Africa collection by Luis Tato. Image via WPP. Luis Tato is a photojournalist from Barcelona who lives in Nairobi, Kenya. With a degree in Audiovisual Communication, his work has been published in different media such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Geographic, El País or La Vanguardia, among others.

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