nur99, 03.09.2022 05:31, 5

Until now, to add custom CSS to WordPress, it was necessary to install an external plugin or create a child theme so as not to directly modify the style sheet of the parent theme. In short, a very interesting functionality. You can't miss. silo-editor-23 SiloMag 23 57 SiloMag 57 creative-silo-may-02 SiloMag 02 Twitter Facebook Pinterest Whatsapp Comments (2) Nuria December 2, 2016 at 8:15 Hi Alfonso, I love this new section. In my case, you have hit the nail on the head, because I have neglected it.

A hug, Nuria Responder Alfonso Serrano December 2, 2016 at 11:15 Thank you very much Nuria! The truth is that it is one of the aspects that is sometimes forgotten when we want to create a website, but the truth is that the error page is something that image manipulation service should be taken care of, since what is initially something negative (which is not possible access our website, either because it is down or maintenance), we can turn it into something positive if we personalize it, since with it we can reinforce our identity and send the values ​​to which we want to be linked.

All the best! Responder leave a reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked with Comment Name Email Website I have read and accept the Privacy Policy . Your data will be stored on our server (Hostgator) and will be used by SiloCreativo for the sole purpose of responding to your comment. If you also check the box "Receive an email with the latest news and free resources from SiloCreativo", your data will also be stored in MailChimp and will be used by SiloCreativo for the sole purpose of sending you emails.

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