farhadbabu6002, 01.09.2022 08:30, 5

With Pamela Sthandier information designer at Wayfinding Consultores you will explore the different classifications to categorize them. If you want to go further sign up for his course Design of pictograms for brands . 10 free online professional design classes 9 Pictogram Ranking with Pamela Sthandier. About the video Basic principles In this video lesson the graphic designer Quique Ollervides will guide you when it comes to vectorizing your handmade sketches. Through some very simple rules you will learn to vectorize place nodes and handle cranks to better control your strokes.

You will also review how you should draw any object in a vector way. Explore the course Typography and Branding Design of an iconic logo and learn photo background removing from Ollervides who has worked with brands such as Google Microsoft or Nike. 10 free online professional design classes 11 Vectorization with Quique Ollervides. About the video Printing media From the classic offset screen printing topography flexography... that you know the characteristics of each one.

Chack Robles with more than 25 years in the advertising world has directed the final art area in agencies such as McCann Erickson Publicis and Flock. In his open class Robles will explain how each printing medium works and show you options to mix them and obtain an innovative result. 10 free online professional design classes 13 Chark Robles has collaborated with brands such as CocaCola Microsoft and Jack Daniels.

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